Students & Teachers of Belvedere Elementary
Did You Know? 92% of classrooms have students whose families cannot afford school supplies and teachers and principals are filling the gap out of their own pockets.
Belvedere Elementary is a PK-5 public school that is located in West Palm Beach, near Holy Trinity. The school is Title 1 with 93% of the families considered low-income. The items we collect will keep the teachers from having to reach into their own pockets to pay for supplies they need in their classrooms.
The teachers at Belvedere Elementary personally requested the following supplies to have what they need to finish out the school year:
Anchor Chart Paper
Black Dry Erase Markers
White Board Erasers
Copy Paper
Colored Copy Paper
Multi-Colored Sharpie Markers
Glue Sticks
Crayola Crayons
Colored Pencils
Ticonderoga Brand #2 Pencils
Large Paperclips
Post-it Notes – Large & Small
3 Prong, 2 Pocket Folders
1 Inch, 3-Ring Binders
Spiral Notebooks
Composition Books
Zip-Loc Bags – Quart & Sandwich
Want to order from Amazon? Use this link to order supplies and items will be delivered directly to the church.
Otherwise, drop off donations on the table outside the gift shop anytime during the month of March.
If you would prefer to make a monetary donation, please place checks or cash in an envelope labeled “Outreach Collection” and place in the offertory plate or drop off in the office. The committee will use the funds to purchase supplies needed at the end of the collection.