This spring, we began a pre-campaign study to determine the interest level of our members in a proposed Capital Campaign for Holy Trinity Episcopal Church.  Since then, our consulting firm, Ruotolo Associates, Inc., has conducted more than 30 personal interviews, two focus group and an in-pew survey.  All respondents have been open and candid. The next part of the study is an online survey which is being sent to all of our supporters. 

We invite you to participate in the survey. The results of this study are important in determining how we will proceed with the Campaign and your involvement in this planning process will be greatly appreciated.

Please complete the following survey by midnight on May 10th. And be assured all answers to your questions will be sent directly to Ruotolo Associates and will be held in the strictest confidence: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/S37PV6G.

For any questions, please contact Kelly Riccio at kelly@holytrinitywpb.org.

Thank you for your time!